I ended up photographing the tennis tournament for a total of two days. Both days the light was harsh, coming from above or behind. I was there basically to cover the bigger matches and they all seemed to be in the middle of the day. Now people always love shooting strait on and since Sunday was the final match for the big prize, the side where all the photographers was packed. I grabbed my safe shots and they ended up being good, but the same as every one else sitting in the same area.
Sharapova from close with a 400mm |
Once I got this great shot of Sharapova celebrating, I made my way to the stands and try to get a different angle. If you read my last post about the Bank of the West, I had climbed the entire stadium and found a great spot to shoot from and I wanted to try panning (will post those shots when finished in a new post later on). Here are a few more photos form the match (one more close one in there as well).
Azarenka from above with a 400mm |
Sharapova close with a 400mm |
Azarenka from above |
Azarenka collecting her prize |
In the last photo, I decided to stay in the same spot I was in since EVERY ONE else was down on the court taking the same exact photo. I think the photos from above came out well and interesting.
I hope you enjoyed this post and feel free to ask question. Also don't forget to browse around my website to take a look at more photos:
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