Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Today I had a chance to play a bit with HTML5 and CSS3. I used this tutorial by smashing magazine:


I found it very interesting as there was a lot of markups that I did not recognize. That made me feel like Internet Explorer... which does not recognize the markup for either CSS3 or HTML5 even with the JavaScript given to us. Yes IE $%&@$... as it also does not support my portfolio site I am making for class:


Is there a way around it? Sure, but its twice the work.

Here are a couple great resources in trying to figure out these new markups:

CSS3 Cheat Sheet:


HTML5 Cheat Sheet:


Either way, once IE jumps on board with this great new markup, websites will look amazing. The markup used for HTML5 makes total sense even though I am not 100% sure on all of it just yet. The technology is still in the works and will be fully implemented by 2022.

As far as CSS3 goes, being able to use gradients, rounded corners, opacity, and much more, saves a lot of space and optimizes you site to run faster and smoother.

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